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Explore Yorkshire Designer Coppertop's Nature-Inspired Jewellery

Explore Yorkshire Designer Coppertop's Nature-Inspired Jewellery
March 2025
Reading time 3 Minutes

Inspired by Yorkshire's natural beauty, what began as a therapeutic outlet for Caroline Powell has blossomed into the handmade jewellery business, Coppertop

Using sustainable materials, Caroline's work captures the natural elements in stunning jewellery pieces. She tell us more about pursuing her passion, seeking inspiration and what visitors can expect from her at Living North LIVE at York Racecourse this year (21st-23rd March).
Silver acorn leaf necklace
Silver leaf earrings
Fern circle necklace
Silver leaf ring

Tell us about yourself.
I was a doctor for pretty much 25 years but I’d always had a leaning towards arts and crafts and had made jewellery as a hobby. Unfortunately, in 2022, I became really quite burnt out so was off work for a prolonged period of time. Obviously I had more time on my hands and although my head wasn’t in a good place, just doing two minutes or two hours of making jewellery was a very mindful activity, and being creative was extremely therapeutic.

As time went on I was making more stuff and getting better. I tried to go back to work but in the end had to close the door on that career. By that point I’d really got such a passion for making jewellery and had a diploma in silversmithing. It just felt like once I’d made that decision I couldn’t go back to medicine. I felt this was really what was making me happy, fuelled by lots of positive feedback. I’d started selling at local markets, and to friends and family. That was a couple of years ago now and it has gone on from there.


daisy circle necklace

What inspires your work?
We’re very lucky in Sheffield that the whole city is very green. We have a lot of parks and woodlands where you literally walk around the corner and you’re in the woods. When I had time off I’d be out walking and I also live very close to the Peak District. I do some pieces which I call mini landscapes which are more one-of-a-kind pieces. A lot of the jewellery I make is based on a real leaves or seeds, or I use natural materials for texture. For example they’re textured using something like a little pine cone. Even if it’s not obvious, I try and bring an element of nature into the process.

Do you have favourites?
That’s like choosing from your children! I do some big daisies and different variants of them (some with jewels or semi precious stones) and I do like those as they’re quite eye-catching. I do a sycamore seed which is actually one of my bestsellers and I would say that the little ivy leaves and the little oak leaves do tend to be most popular with customers.

What can visitors expect at Living North LIVE?
A big variety. I’ll be bringing quite a few items that are one-of-a-kind, like the landscape pieces. I also have more recently started introducing what I call interesting stones. I try and find semi precious stones which are just a little bit unusual. There’s a mixture of pieces that are reliable good sellers too, but also pieces that are a bit different and artistic.

What does 2025 have in store for you?
I’ve labelled it my ‘spread my wings’ year! Most of my events to date have been Sheffield-based, but I’m trying to get a bit further afield. I’m moving onto bigger events and trying to get a bit more interest across the country.


What’s your favourite local beauty spot?
Stanage Edge which is just out in the Peak District. There’s lots of big stone edges and amazing views.

What’s your favourite local business?
Joni – it’s quite close to where I live and it’s a nice little independent coffee spot.

What advice would you give to others following an artistic path?
Just follow your passion. Do what makes you happy and what nourishes you.

For more, visit

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