Five Minutes with… Mr and Mrs Claus

As we prepare for the big day, we talk to Mr and Mrs Claus about all things Christmas
What does your working day involve?
Mrs Claus: Now, let me see... Well, I start my working day when I get up at the crack of dawn. I usually wake up first and then I wake up my hubby – you know, Mr Claus. He can be quite sleepy in the mornings with all the late nights preparing toys and lists around Christmas time. We then go downstairs and have hot coffee and a good breakfast, to fuel us for the day. Then Mr Claus will pop off to the workshop, which is across the garden. On the way, he passes the Elf house, so he knocks on their door to wake them up – lazy little scamps! Before he starts in his workshop, he will check in at the reindeer hut where he will stop to feed Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, Blitzen and, of course, Rudolph.
Then it’s time for a quiet cup of tea and I start baking. I love baking, and especially at Christmas time, I like to bake gingerbread which is everyone’s favourite. I make enormous piles of yummy, chewy gingerbread in the morning, and by the time they’ve cooled, it’s time for lunch. Lunchtime is always a lively affair, with Mr Claus and the elves joining me. We go through the morning’s post together, and I help Mr Claus update his list so that the elves can work on the toys in the afternoon. I sit by the fire in the afternoon, sewing dolls’ clothes or knitting Christmas stockings. We finish for tea at 5.30pm, and will go to bed with a big cup of cocoa after doing a final list update.
What’s the best part of your day?
Mrs Claus: Hmm… oh I know, the best part of the day for me is story time with the elves, just before bed. They are a giggly little bunch so reading them a story works wonders to calm them down, ready for some well-earned rest. Our favourite story is the lonely polar bear. It’s about a big fluffy polar bear who needed some friends to spend Christmas with. I won’t spoil the ending but it’s a happy one!
Mr Claus: Goodness, well this is a difficult question because I just love Christmastime so much. I would say the best part of my day is when I get to open all of the lovely letters from the children that have written to me from around the globe. Don’t tell anyone else but I do particularly look forward to the Living North readers' letters! Oh, and I do like my lunchtimes with Mrs Claus as she always has fresh gingerbread waiting for me.
And the worst?
Both Mr and Mrs Claus: Worst? Oh there is no worst part for us, it’s fun, fun, fun all day long.
Who’s your favourite fictional Father Christmas?
Mr Claus: For both myself and Mrs Claus we do love the magical Father Christmas in Miracle on 34th street: Richard Attenborough I believe he’s called. Oh he is marvellous.
What do you love most about Christmas?
Mr Claus: Without a doubt the thing I love most about Christmas is knowing that I have made lots and lots of children very happy, and hopefully if the children are happy, the parents and families around them are happy too!
Do you have a favourite reindeer?
Mrs Claus: A favourite reindeer?! Oh that would be like picking a favourite elf, we couldn’t possibly… but if we had to. I do love them all the same (and please make sure you leave this in, I don’t want upset caused) but Rudolph is by far the cheekiest.
Mr Claus: Well I love them all the same too and I couldn’t possibly pick a favourite! But, I will tell you a little secret, Donner and Blitzen are always hungry and want extra food. So if you do have any mince pies or carrots going spare on Christmas Eve do leave them out for us as we can work up quite an appetite.
Favourite Christmas song?
Mrs Claus: ‘Jingle Bells’ is my favourite. It’s a good thing I love it because it’s the elves favourite too and they sing it all the time! Though some of the cheekier elves have sung the wrong lyrics at times.
Mr Claus: There’s only one song for me, it’s ‘Santa Claus is Coming to Town’ of course. It wouldn’t be Christmas without that song.
How do you manage to get around everyone in one night – and how does Mrs Claus help?
Mr Claus: Well, I can’t give away too many trade secrets but we use the time zones across the globe, and if we are clever it means we have arrived before we’ve left, magic. Mrs Claus is a tremendous help, she packs me up with a great big hot water bottle and a flask of tea, and she gets everything ready for our Christmas Day at the North Pole while I am out on the sleigh delivering presents.
Hopes for this Christmas?
Mrs Claus: Oh my one hope this year is that Mr Claus doesn’t forget my present this year (it has been known). I’ve asked for a new baking tray and knitting kit, and I keep dropping lots of clues around the house to make sure he remembers!
Mr Claus: Well after last year as it has been so very difficult for many, my hope is that everyone is happy, they are with those that they love and they remember that Christmas is time to love one another and show kindness.