Fun Sustainable Switches For Spring

The buzz is all around sustainability

1 Full of wildflower seeds that will grow into bright and beautiful nectar-rich flowers, this Pollinator Beebom is totally compostable, so all you have to do is shake, soak and throw into your soil. Let the flowers grow and watch them attract all those buzzy bees. Pollinator Beebom Seedbom, £4.50
2 This strong yet lightweight water bottle is perfect for on-the-go hydration. Bee Design water bottle, £15 Paperchase, branches regionwide
3 For every pair of these organic cotton and cushioned sole socks sold, Jollie’s donate a pair to charity. Chunky Loop socks, £11
4 Keep your cheese fresher for longer with these wax wraps, which are also good for covering bowls and wrapping sandwiches. The Beeswax Wrap Co. cheese pack, £17.99, stockists regionwide

5 Made with 100 percent natural ingredients, this hand cream bar is an innovative way to keep hands smooth and soft. The Queen Bee hand cream bar, £9.95 The Edinburgh Natural Skincare Co. at Matthias Winter, Hexham
6 This hydro herb kit is ready to grow indoors and without the need for soil. Grow herbs in as little as six weeks and have tasty and fresh ingredients for up to two years. Basil Hydro herb kit, £20 National Trust, branches regionwide
7 Soothe and protect sore lips with this 100 percent natural and zero waste balm. The packaging is eco-friendly and completely biodegradable too. Valley Mist lip balm, £9 stockists regionwide