Click here to discover James’ method for building the ultimate outdoor brick barbecue.
The DIY BBQ Cookbook by James Whetlor (Quadrille, £20) Photography: Sam Folan
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Here is a recipe that calls for cooking directly on the coals, but it will cook equally well over a high indirect heat for 40 minutes.
Anyone who's eaten on Green Lanes in North London will know these - classic Turkish meat on skewers. A delicious but simple cook, it's a great place to start if you are just getting to know your BBQ. Konak, on London Road in Leicester does a particularly good one and I've done my best to replicate it here.
Cooking mussels directly on the grill can be fun but also a bit hectic. You will have about 20 and they will cook at different rates, so you'll need to remove them as they open up. Don't be put off though, it's fun!
Click here to discover James’ method for building the ultimate outdoor brick barbecue.
The DIY BBQ Cookbook by James Whetlor (Quadrille, £20) Photography: Sam Folan