In 2020 when we were planning our Christmas events we put in significant measures to create more space and wider aisles. While those events did not go ahead, we decided earlier this year to stick with this plan for 2021, despite the significant improvements allowed due to the UK’s successful vaccination programme.
Reluctantly, but sensibly, we are also limiting the numbers of tickets for each day. We have also asked each customer to select the day they are planning to attend so we can carefully measure attendance. It is likely there will be some tickets on sale each day at the event, but if at all possible please book in advance.
Both Newcastle Racecourse and York Racecourse have hosted large crowds in recent times, and we are confident in the measures they have introduced too. In the event that Government advice changes we will update this information accordingly. We are sure our visitors will be sensible and responsible, wear face coverings if they wish and obviously stay at home if they are feeling unwell.
We are greatly looking forward to welcoming you all to our 2021 Christmas Fairs in Newcastle and York.